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What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a popular approach to healthcare that focuses on the relationship between the structure of the body and the way it functions. It aims to restore the body's natural balance, relieve pain and improve the ability to self-heal.


Osteopaths undergo rigorous training and are skilled in diagnostic techniques and treatments. Treatment techniques are individualised based upon the personal goals, outcomes and anatomy of the patient.

Who should see an Osteopath?

Osteopathy is a safe and effective treatment, appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels.


If you're looking for a way to reduce pain, improve flexibility and mobility, or simply boost your overall sense of well-being, then osteopathy may be the perfect choice for you.


You can book to see an osteopath for general wellbeing, maintenance and postural assessment or with a specific pain or injury including:



Lower Back Pain

Neck Pain


Shoulder Dysfunction

Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)

Epicondylitis (Golfers/Tennis elbow)

Joint Pain (e.g. hip/knee)


Pelvic Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

Muscular Spasms


Sports Injuries

Digestive Issues


Anxiety and Stress

Shoulder Treatment


Sports Massage

Sports massage will be a deeper treatment, focusing on the muscular system and surrounding soft tissues. It will help to release and reduce tension, helping to promote recovery and reduce associated pain.

A range of techniques will be used including trigger-point work, myofascial release and muscle energy techniques, lengthening, stretching and mobalising the muscles. Sports taping may also be included.

Relaxing Massage

A relaxing massage is more than a luxury. Many health benefits can be documented throughout various systems of the body, with benefits which continue after you leave the treatment room. It can ease general pain and improve tissue function resulting in a decreased risk of injury. It also has been found to increase mental health, reduce depressive symptoms, facilitate natural immunity, enhance brain power and lower blood pressure.

Massage has also been found to have an effect on our hormonal balance and central nervous system. It well documented to decrease cortisol levels, a stress hormone, and increase the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, resulting in feeling happier and more relaxed. Many consider it to help to reduce symptoms of PMS such as bloating and mood swings.

In addition, massage is known to enhance sleep (which is vital for tissue repair), as it is seen to have a positive effect on delta waves, the type of brain waves associated with deep sleep.


Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage focuses on the lymph system, which is a division of the immune system. It is therefore associated with many health benefits as it facilitates our natural immunity and enhances fluid circulation.
A lymphatic massage is suitable for anyone as it leaves you feel rebalanced, de-puffed and refreshed. It can also be a brilliant method to assist with the treatment of multiple health conditions.
The treatment involves using light rhythmic sequenced motions around the body, which is designed to target the lymph vessels and nodes.

Scar Tissue Massage

Scar tissue can be uncomfortable and dysfunctional.
Specialist mobilisations can help to loosen the scar and the surrounding tissues, encourage better overall function within the area and reduce tightness and bulk.
It can also help to reduce pain and tissue hypersensitivity, should it be present.

This therapy can be added into any other treatment or be the main treatment.

Pregnancy Massage

The body is continually changing during pregnancy with some major structural changes the body has to adapt to cope. This can often cause various aches and areas of strain or discomfort particularly around the lower back and pelvis.

Pregnancy massage can help to alleviate some of these aches and pains, enhancing the bodies ability to adapt as you grow.

Acupressure Neck Massage


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